Tuesday, April 12, 2011


To all living things food is something universal. We all need it. But how we prepare it, eat it and what is considered as delicious varies from country to country. Even though I knew this, I was still surprised when I the Japanese concept of spam.


To me spam is something from the Monty Python sketch – something a little weird that you get served at odd diners – or the unwanted mails. And indeed to me spam is equal to trash. So it was a surprise to meet spam here in Japan.

It seems that here spam is a true delicacy. The way it is sold in the import food shops as an exotic delicacy. Often it seems to be sold by statement of their exotic origins – such as my home country Denmark. But as it is with everything ells that comes to Japan, the Japanese transform it into something Japanese – thus behold spam-sushi! To me this is nothing but an evidence of the wide spread globalization that tours through our world.

For more information about spam: http://www.spam.com

1 comment:

  1. So how exactly is Spam popular in Japan?

    Spam is popular in Korea, Guam, Hawaii - all places with a history of a US military presence. Spam musabi is popular in Hawaii and I imagine that this might be one way in which Japanese people have encountered Spam.
